
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy 1st Blogiversary!

I waited until today to discuss upcoming goals for my blog and for reading because today is the one year anniversary of my blog! It is exciting to think I started with the intention of making it two months and here we are 12 months later. 

I just wanted to share my thoughts on the books I read and I have....but I've gained so much too. A new world of blogging friends, writing skills, reading new kinds of books, and perseverance with something personal and creative. I am so excited to see where year 2 takes me. And thank you to anyone who has read or commented on my posts. It has been a lot of fun interacting with the bookish world. 

This year I'd like to continue my commitment to blog a minimum of twice a week and to participate in the following challenges and weekly discussions:

I also want to branch out with my reading and try new authors, more NetGalley requests (although not too many!) and not worry so much about reading all the sequels in order. And above all else have fun! Here are my current reads for January 2023:

-Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie

- Island of a Thousand Springs by Sarah Lark

- The Fourth Enemy by Anne Perry

-The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

-Voyager by Diana Gabaldon (this will be my third re-read of this book....I always have an Outlander re-read going. I just can't give these books up!)

Happy January reading everyone!



  1. Happy blogiversary, Shellie! I'm looking forward to more of your posts this year. I hope you enjoy your January reading - I have already read Sad Cypress, which I liked, so I'll probably choose a different book for Read Christie.

    1. Thank you Helen, I am enjoying Sad Cypress so far and haven't figured anything out yet :)
