Showing posts with label Stacking the Shelves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stacking the Shelves. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #4

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. It's a place to showcase any books I have purchased, borrowed, or been lucky enough to have been given an advance copy of. Here are this week's new to me books! 

It's time for the next book in my favorite 1920's cozy mystery series! Lady Eleanor, her butler, and her bulldog are going to the fair and I can't wait to see what trouble she will find there. I absolutely love these and look forward to buying the next one each time I am ready to continue. I try to read them "in season" as the authors write one for each time of the year. June is the perfect time to begin book six.

The only book I've seen that really delves into the life of Katherine Swynford is Anya Seton's Katherine and that one is historical fiction. I love Alison Weir so this book is sure to be thorough and engaging. I might have to wait a bit to dive into it though. I'm tired and not feeling able to concentrate on it just yet. But it does look like a good history book when I'm ready.

I am usually not a fan of audiobooks but I caved and decided to listen to this one. David Suchet from Poirot does the voice of Hercule Poirot and that sounds like a lot of fun! I found out it is the Read Christie choice for July so I guess I'll be ahead of the game too.

What "new to you" books have you gotten your hands on this week? 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #3

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. It's a place to showcase any books I have purchased, borrowed, or been lucky enough to have been given an advance copy of. Here are this week's new to me books! 

This has been on my Classics Club list for awhile and I've always intended to read it. I loved Rebecca so I'm hoping this one is just as good. 

The current choice for Read Christie May is one I just couldn't get my hands on....digitally or otherwise. So I'm tackling this one with the same theme of betrayal.

The third in a series I love....hoping this one is good. It continues the story of Amelia Peabody and her husband Emerson as they spend their days in 19th century Egypt, pyramid hunting and getting into trouble. 

What new reads are you adding to your shelves this week? Are they new books, yet to be published books, or old classics?

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #2


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. It's a place to showcase any books I have purchased, borrowed, or been lucky enough to have been given an advance copy of. Hope you find something that looks interesting to you or that jogs your memory of something you want to read. Enjoy your reading this week :)

This is book three in the Lottie Sprigg cozy mystery series. I haven't read books one or two yet but the "Cairo" hooked me. I love books set in this time period in that location. I have waaayyyy too many types of these books already but I just love them. With all the drama in the world today it's nice to read something charming, simple, and with a mystery thrown in.

This is another book on my Classics Club list that I have needed to add to my shelves. I've only read Pride and Prejudice so I need to get started on this one stat.

I received an ARC of this from NetGalley. It is book three in the Joubert Family Chronicles series. It looks unique and is based on the historical period of the French Huguenots in the 16th Century. 

What are your shelves stacked with this week?

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #1


Sometimes I just want to post about books I'm planning to read or have recently added to my shelves. Stacking the Shelves is perfect for's a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. While I might not do it every week, it looks fun to do when I am wanting to share what my TBR pile is looking like. Happy Reading!

Book One in a new series.....combine Scotland, a cozy mystery, and a manor house and you make me happy! I recently posted for Can't Wait Wednesday about book two in this new series so I thought I'd start with the first one. Hoping I've found another Verity Bright-type of book. 

I'm currently watching this movie (it's four hours long so I'm viewing it in chunks!) and it's on my Classics Club list to read in the next five years. May as well get started, right? I love, love, love Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean so I'm hoping the movie doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the book if the images in my head aren't aligned. Also, born, raised, and lived in Texas all my life so we will see if I like how it portrays my home :) 

As spring arrives and we near summer vacation, I just go crazy for all things Caribbean. I have wanted to read this book for awhile and it was on sale at Book Bub so I bought it for my Kindle. After seeing the length (over 800 pages) and realizing not all the sections look interesting to me, I've decided to read the parts that I want to and just take my time with it. But that cover....can I move there please?

What new books have you acquired recently? Share with me because I'm always up for new things to read!